10 種戒菸方法,永遠戒菸!

如果您正在考慮戒菸,那麼您必須知道它們對您和您周圍的人有多糟糕,我為您的決定鼓掌。 您可能還聽說過許多關於戒菸有多難的噩夢故事,這可能令人恐懼和沮喪。 為了幫助您擺脫對香煙和令人上癮的成分尼古丁的依賴,這裡有 10 條戒菸技巧和方法,可以告訴您戒菸是可以做到的,而且如果您有計劃,它並不像人們想像的那麼難 !

1. 列出你喜歡吸煙的原因

戒菸似乎與您的需求背道而馳,但忽略您喜歡吸煙的原因以及繼續吸煙的原因很重要,這樣您就可以在心理上克服這些問題或將其拋在腦後或用某些東西代替它們。 忽略它們僅僅意味著當渴望擊中這些原因時,會下意識地攻擊你的推理和決心。

2. 列出難以戒菸的原因

哇,到目前為止,我聽起來很消極,我很抱歉,但請耐心等待! relx  誠實是克服尼古丁和香煙成癮的重要組成部分,因為許多人在沒有先對自己誠實的情況下就試圖戒菸,而這些人通常會失敗。 因此,請寫下您認為可能難以戒菸的原因列表,或者您從經驗中了解到的導致戒菸更難的原因。

3. 列出你想戒菸的原因

好的,現在我們變得更加積極了! 出於前面所述的相同原因,誠實再次成為這裡的大詞。 您需要盡可能多的可靠積極戒菸理由,這些戒菸方法才能奏效! 提示:以積極的方式列出它們,所以不要寫“害怕肺癌”,而是寫“我想健康長壽!” …消極的理由不如積極的理由那麼強烈。

4. 寫下解決渴望的方法清單

當渴望襲來時,所有的推理和決心都會突然消失,因為您可能已經經歷過,這並不值得羞恥。 你只需要一種方法來克服這些事情,有一些東西可以分散你對渴望的注意力是一件非常重要的事情,無論是穿上你的慢跑褲並在人行道上行走,還是如果你在工作時可能會嚼一些口香糖,得到 一杯咖啡或清理你的辦公空間。


現在你有幾張紙(或者對某些人來說幾乎是一本書!)你可以比較你的消極和積極原因。 這很重要,因為通常如果您喜歡吸煙的原因多於您想 \\放鬆\\ 吸煙的原因,那麼您可能還沒有準備好戒菸,可能需要找到更多的理由和支持來戒菸。 此外,如果您列出的克服煙癮要做的事情的清單沒有回答您為什麼戒菸困難的所有原因,那麼您可能需要重新訪問之前的清單並添加到其中。 完成此操作後,您不僅足夠內省,能夠清楚地看清事情並提前計劃,您還為與自己簽訂戒菸合同打下了基礎,這是永遠戒菸的基石。

Bermain Permainan Kasino Online


Jika Anda mencari kegembiraan dan peluang yang sama untuk memenangkan banyak uang secara online seperti yang akan Anda temukan di kasino sungguhan di tempat-tempat glamor seperti Las Vegas dan Monte Carlo – tetapi Anda tidak tinggal di dekat tempat-tempat itu – permainan kasino online adalah alternatif yang mungkin ingin Anda pertimbangkan.

Bagaimana Cara Kerja Permainan Kasino Online?

Kasino game di Internet pada dasarnya tidak berbeda dengan mitra bata-dan-mortirnya di Strip di Vegas atau semakin banyak reservasi India di seluruh A.S. Perusahaan virtual di World Wide Web ini menawarkan permainan kasino yang sama dengan yang asli, termasuk blackjack online, slot online, video poker online, dan bahkan roda roulette dan bakarat. Anda akan menemukan semua permainan kasino terbaik di Internet seperti yang Anda temukan di kasino dunia nyata mana pun.

Bahkan, sejak munculnya Era Digital, banyak permainan di kasino dunia nyata yang menggunakan teknologi yang sama dengan permainan kasino online. Contoh yang bagus adalah slot online yang selalu populer. Kasino dunia nyata saat ini memiliki mesin slot digital; “bandit berlengan satu” mekanik kuno dan rumit di masa lalu kini telah dibuang atau dibuang ke museum. Mesin slot digital modern menggunakan generator angka acak yang sama dengan slot online; penghasil nomor acak ini adalah dasar dari permainan kasino dunia maya di semua kasino Internet terkemuka.

Apakah Mereka Jujur?

Yang pasti, frase emptor peringatan Romawi kuno, atau “pembeli berhati-hatilah” adalah saran yang baik untuk diikuti ketika mempertimbangkan permainan kasino online, apakah Anda ingin bermain blackjack online, slot, rtp gacor 2023 atau apa pun.

Situs web permainan kasino terkemuka menerbitkan audit pembayaran yang dapat diverifikasi yang telah dilakukan oleh agen luar dan menggunakan perangkat lunak oleh perusahaan mapan. Yang mengatakan, keluhan yang paling umum bukanlah tentang permainan kasino “tetap”, melainkan kasino yang lambat memainkan kemenangan, atau gagal membayarnya sama sekali.

Cara terbaik untuk menemukan permainan kasino online terbaik adalah bergabung dengan komunitas online dan mencari tahu apa yang dikatakan pemain lain. Orang-orang yang memposting ke forum permainan kasino online biasanya memiliki ide bagus tentang operasi online mana yang asli dan kasino “nakal”.

Sebenarnya, kasino online juga menjadi korbannya; di masa lalu, beberapa pemain akan mencoba untuk mengklaim kemenangan dengan menggunakan gambar video poker online atau slot online yang “di-photoshop”. Meskipun ini tidak berfungsi dengan baik di masa lalu seperti dulu, pemain yang mencoba penipuan seperti itu akan segera menemukan diri mereka dilarang dari semua permainan kasino.

Canvas Art Sets – Canvas Wall Art For a Huge Wall

It can be a challenge to decorate a huge wall with canvas wall art. There’s that problem of filling up so much empty space with paintings. Some people get canvas art sets in several pieces or get one large over-sized canvas to cover a big empty wall. Another option is to get several pieces of single paintings and hang them in a series.

The problem with getting several individual paintings and hanging them all on one wall, is the risk of not making them all match. One or two paintings may look awkward or seem like they don’t belong in the group. Now, about hanging a single over-sized canvas, there may be a few disadvantages due to its size and weight. It could be difficult to hang on the wall.

Canvas art sets might be the best solution to decorate a huge wall. These multiple pieces of canvas wall art will definitely match together. There won’t be a problem of any canvas pieces sticking out awkwardly there. Another benefit is the practicality of having them shipped in smaller packages.

Canvas sets are also easier to hang because they come in several pieces of smaller canvas. This divides the weight and size into something more manageable. Even one person can manage to hang all the pieces on a large wall by himself.

You can also get canvas wall art sets in 2 to over 8 pieces depending on the size of the empty space you have to fill. They also come in various sizes. Canvas art sets really are versatile and useful decor pieces. You can get a 3 piece canvas to decorate a moderately large wall, or get something bigger like a 9 piece canvas for huge walls, high ceiling lobbies, or office corridors.

They can be modern abstract canvas sets or depict traditional styles of paintings like an African landscape, sunsets, or seascapes. Colors are no problem as you can practically find a wide range of canvas wall art in different colors and shades.

A good tips is to get them ready-to-hang. Imagine the trouble you may have to go through if you had to wire 6 to 9 pieces of canvas wall art yourself. For a more modern and contemporary effect, get canvas art sets painted on gallery wrapped canvas. These don’t even have to be framed as they already look finished and complete as they are.

Motivate Staff and Consumers With Gift Vouchers

If you’re considering the various options for boosting your staff’s performance and encouraging clients to buy your products or use your services, consider schemes that use gift vouchers. To find out why these are so popular and how they could help your business, read on.

Gift vouchers can be harnessed for a variety of purposes – and it’s this that forms a large part of their appeal. Whether you plan to launch a consumer-focused scheme or something for your staff, you’ll find gift vouchers are an effective tool to have in your arsenal.

There are a number of ways they can be used to improve your engagement with clients, for example. If you plan to launch a new product, why not offer a gift voucher with each purchase to encourage more sales?

Or, you could simply use them to acquire more customers – or encourage existing clients to keep choosing your services. Indeed, the latter could prove particularly beneficial if you operate in a competitive marketplace, as it will help to differentiate your business from your rivals – and even potentially gain some of their client bases.

When it comes to staff performance, meanwhile, you’ll find reward schemes and incentives can be an incredibly effective motivational tool.

For example, you could boost employee morale by offering rewards for long service or loyalty. Alternatively, you can encourage workers to meet their full potential by offering sales incentives, such as gift takeaway voucher codes for meeting targets.

Of course, different people are interested in different things, which means what is considered valuable by some may not be by others. This brings us to the next benefit of vouchers and cards – their wide appeal.

Unlike other forms of reward, vouchers can offer tangible benefits for everyone. Should your client base be broad or your staff have a wide range of interests, consider multi-option gift vouchers that can be redeemed at an abundance of familiar names on the high street.

Alternatively, vouchers catering for travel services, leisure attractions and spas – to name but a few – are also available should you be happy to go with something a little more specific.

In addition to these great benefits, such schemes are typically simple to implement and wonderfully cost-effective – something most companies will be concerned with during the current troubled economic climate.

3 Types of Flat Roof Materials

The roofing industry is seeing more and more new materials being introduced to the market, year after year. Some more costly than others, while others more eco-friendly than some. But regardless of why you might be in the market for a new flat roof, it is what you are looking for in a new roof that matters. There are three kinds of flat roof materials currently available on the market. Although you will notice they are a bit more expensive than alternative materials, they are undeniably worth the investment in the long run. Continue reading to learn more about the three flat roofing materials used in the home renovation and construction industry.

Flat Roofs

The roofing materials for flat roofs are measured in “squares” which is equivalent to 100 square feet. They generally cost anywhere between $250 and $350 per square, but prices can vary depending on the retailer and roof size. Warranties for flat roofs are typically good for 10 or 20 years, but with professional installation and routine maintenance, they can last up to 25 years or more. It is important to choose a reputable and honest general contractor or roofing company for flat roof installation and repair services.

Modified Bitumen

Modified bitumen is a single-ply roll roofing akron material infused with mineral-based exterior. This roofing material is homeowner-friendly in terms of installation. There are peel-and-stick versions available on the market for those who wish to install their own new roofing. But there are also versions that must be installed with professional equipment; a process that involves heat the adhesive as the material is rolled out. It is a popular choice because its light-colored exterior reflects heat, which reduces energy bills. Also, it is moderately priced, right in between the cost of the other roofing materials. Since the application process is a fire hazard, it should not be installed in an occupied property. One downfall is that it’s not resistant to scuff marks and tears.

Built Up Roof (BUR)

BUR is the common hot-tar and gravel roofing we see on several homes and buildings throughout the city. It is assembled with alternating plies (3 or more) of waterproof materials, hot tar, and ballasted gravel. Today, these roofing materials are manufactured with more advanced materials like fiberglass membranes, when before hot tar paper was the principle component. Although heavy, smelly, and messy to install, BUR can be a promising choice for some homeowners. Not only is it fire-retardant, it is the cheapest of all the roofing materials so budgets can stay intact. But it should not be installed in a home or building that is occupied. This is a perfect choice for those remodeling a property that is still vacant. Keep in mind that it is a big job that requires the services of a professional roofing contractor.

Metal Roofing – Get The Facts!

Shingles were a longstanding staple in the roofing industry for years. It is very likely that one of the houses that you grew up in had a shingled roof. But as time has gone by, consumers have begun looking for other types of materials to use. The problem with shingles is that they do not last for more than twenty years. Considering how expensive and involved installing a roofing system can be, you want to make sure that you do not have to do the same project over again within a decade or two. Shingles begin to crack and the quality degrades over time, meaning that you will most likely have to do some minor repairs along the way as well. And because each shingle must be placed by hand, the installation process can be very tedious and time consuming. In contrast, a metal roof takes very little time to install. This is because it comes in panels that you can easily slide into place and secure.

Another bonus to installing metal roofing is that, in a lot of places, you will be able to get a better deal on insurance. A large number of insurance companies will offer homeowners a sizable discount on their homeowner’s insurance premium if they choose to install a roof made of metal over one made of shingles or tiles. This is because metal is much more durable than the other forms of roofing materials. Metal roofing is made up of steel panels that have been coated with specialty rust-proof paint. Both strong and flexible, a they can easily last for over fifty years. And though it may seem like they are a fairly recent trend, metal roofs have actually been around for a long time. For centuries, people have utilized roofs made of metal for the long life expectancy and durability that they offer. There is no other building material used today that can match metal roofing.

One of the main complaints with the way metal roofing company akron used to be done was that they absorbed too much of the sun’s heat. This, in turn, would make the house much hotter, which caused energy bills to be high as it took more work to keep the home cool. But thanks to advances in technology, that is no longer a problem. Now, it’s specially designed to reflect the heat from the sun, which has made a huge difference in how people view the material.

When you have this type of roofing, you are able to relax in the comfort of knowing that your home is adequately protected. Where other roofing materials may break or become damaged, metal roofing is much harder to put a dent in. The sturdy support that metal roofing offers is one of the main bonuses to installing this type of system. And when it is installed correctly, you will not have to worry about leaks or weather damage for years to come.

온라인 거래 팁 및 조언 활용


온라인 거래가 도입된 이후로 주식 및 기타 유가 증권을 거래하는 데 선호되는 방법이 되었습니다. 그 이유는 24/7 글로벌 증권 거래소에 대한 정보에 대한 액세스는 말할 것도 없고 얼마나 빠르고 쉬울 수 있는지를 포함합니다. 온라인 거래는 초보 투자자에게 흥미진진하고 성공적인 모험이 될 수 있습니다. 전문 트레이더의 연구와 조언을 바탕으로 현명한 결정을 내리면 모든 것이 달라질 것입니다.

정보 찾기

“구하라 그러면 받을 것이다”라는 말을 자주 합니다. 온라인 투자의 경우 “검색하면 찾을 수 있습니다”는 훌륭한 만트라입니다. 초보자 투자자를 돕기 위한 최고의 온라인 거래 팁과 조언을 찾는 데 도움이 되는 광범위한 매장이 있습니다. 간단한 인터넷 검색을 통해 수많은 전자책, 기사 및 기사가 작성된 “Invest”와 같은 투자 웹사이트를 찾을 수 있습니다. 전문 거래자에 의해.

투자를 조사하는 동안 다음을 포함하여 많은 것을 배울 수 있습니다.

– 시장의 트렌드를 파악하는 방법

– 거래 중 입장 및 퇴장에 관한 타이밍

– 지표 이해

– 그리고 더

순진하지 마십시오

투자 전략 및 팁을 위해 온라인으로 조사할 때 현명함을 사용하는 것이 중요합니다. 온라인에서 사용할 수 있는 많은 리소스가 있지만 누구나 거의 모든 것을 온라인에 업로드할 수 있다는 점을 명심해야 합니다. 즉, 여러 웹사이트나 책에 대해 찾은 정보를 두 번, 심지어 세 번 확인하는 것은 찾은 정보가 최고의 온라인 거래 조언인지 판단하는 좋은 방법입니다. 팁이 금의 무게만큼 가치가 있다면 해당 분야의 여러 전문가가 유효한 것으로 언급할 것입니다.

시도 및 다시 시도

주식 시장에서 진정으로 최고의 온라인 트레이딩 아마추어 중 한 명이 될 수 있는 방법에 대해서는 다양한 견해가 있습니다. 일부는 종이 주식 거래에 손을 대는 것이 가장 좋다고 생각합니다. 여기에는 주식 거래를 시뮬레이션하는 프로그램을 사용하는 것이 포함됩니다. 초보자가 실제 돈을 투자하지 않고 주식 거래를 시도하는 데 사용할 수 있는 놀라운 플랫폼이므로 돈을 잃을 수도 없습니다. 실제 주식 거래를 위한 안전한 교육 방법이라고 할 수 있습니다. 전문가들은 이 루트를 선택하면 시뮬레이터를 이용해 BKX 해외선물을 10회 정도 성공시킨 뒤 실제 주식시장에서 거래할 준비가 된 것이라고 조언한다.

주식 거래에 대해 배우는 유일한 방법은 바로 뛰어들어 발을 적시는 것이라고 믿는 또 다른 측면이 있습니다! 무역에 대한 팁과 요령으로 가득 찬 기사를 계속 읽을 수 있지만 무엇이 효과가 있는지 배우는 유일한 방법은 시행 착오를 통해서입니다. 읽은 기사에서 얻은 최고의 온라인 거래 팁을 선택하고 상식, 근면 및 주의와 함께 가이드로 사용하십시오.

무엇을 선택하든 작게 시작하는 것을 잊지 마십시오. 미리 약간의 돈을 투자하면 잠재적으로 가질 수 있는 손실을 줄일 수 있습니다. 예산을 유지하고 그것에 충실하십시오! 얻은 정보를 사용하여 다양한 전략을 시도하고 가장 수익성이 높은 경로를 선택하십시오. 가장 중요한 것은 철수 시점을 아는 것입니다! 당신은 무엇을 하든 항상 큰 손실을 피하고 싶어합니다. 최고의 온라인 거래 팁, 조언 및 본능을 사용하여 주식 시장에서 성공할 수 있도록 돕습니다.

Learn How to Play the Violin With a Violin Master

Become Proficient At The Violin In Weeks!

The Violin Master Pro program is the only system online that provides full documentation, video downloads, resources and more, all taught by a world class violin master. It’s ear training system is truly powerful and the perfect foundation for any player at any age or any level.

About The Instructor:
Eric Lewis’ early training was at the Manhattan School of Music which is also where he received both a Bachelors and a Masters degree in performance. Now a master/virtuoso , Eric Lewis has been teaching violin lessons for over 40 years privately and also at many premiere performing arts institutions. Eric Lewis was born in New York City, where he now lives and performs as violinist in the Manhattan String Quartet.

What You Will Learn With Violin Master:
Discover the power of muscle memory when playing the violin. Learn how to play the violin in every style imaginable: Classical, Jazz, Pop, Fusion, Latin, European, Rock, Hip Hop, Folk, Country and more. Learn how to play any song imaginable. Amaze family and friends when, within weeks you are playing intense violin grooves from memory.

The violin notes will be as easy to understand just like understanding
the letters in the alphabet. If you do not have any ear training abilities, this system will guide you all the way. You will discover that violin music is actually very fun to read and improvise.

What’s Included In The Violin Master Pro Membership:
The member’s portion is updated regularly and provides video instruction on beginning and advanced violin playing, tips, and also audios and documentations too. This violin video system also helps you better focus during your rehearsals and performances. There are no hassles and no worries with this system. You will learn how to play the violin and even become a professional cello master yourself in an incredibly short amount of time.

Purchase Violin Master Pro Now And Start Playing Today!
Violin Master Pro is the hottest most complete violin lesson website online to help would-be violin masters develop their skills. Whether it is Pop, Jazz, Classical, Latin, Fusion,European, Hip Hop, Rock, Country, Folk and many more, you can easily learn how to play the violin or truly enhance your violin playing skills. Violin Master Pro not only helps the well developed and middle experienced players, but it can help out beginners or young players and even those who have never touched a violin before.

A Passion For Photography

The individual residing at the metro exit may be placed withinside the regular haven. Photographer Elkhan Ganiyev (Elxan Qəniyev) wrote in his post: “I modified into very saddened with the useful useful useful beneficial useful resource of using this terrible scene we encountered on the manner. Agayev Rüstem Hasanağa modified into born in Salyan in 1960. His very very very very personal very family left him and he has been residing on my own for 3 years at the exit of the “Sahil” metro station. Looking and talking-he goals for a turning trouble in his existence and his eyes fill with tears. These had been the most hopeless tears I’ve ever visible in my complete existence. At the age of 62, his high-excellent choice is to stay out of this cold and settle in a nursing home. I’m excellent there are human beings in my friendship who can assist him and useful useful useful beneficial useful resource him.” Murad Hashimov, the Press Secretary of the Social Services Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan Republic, reacted to the trouble.

He stated that the objection modified into registered with the Social Services Institution and forwarded to the relevant branch: “Our personnel may be sent to the vicinity. If he accepts, we’re capable of do our high-extraordinary to take him to the regular haven and get hold of numerous social services.” He said that he modified into placed withinside the Housing and Rehabilitation Institution for Vulnerable Groups of the Social Services Institution affiliated to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Photography Population: “Agayev Rustem Hasanaga has been residing on the streets for 3 years for the motive that he modified into kicked out of his residence at the age of 62. Today, he has already placed a warmth home. There is high-extraordinary a five-day difference amongst the ones snap shots.” It need to be said that the photographer shared that R. Agayev modified into forced to live on the streets, and Murad Hashimov, the Press Secretary of the Social Services Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan Republic, said that the trouble is on the agenda.

Elkhan Ganiyev (Elxan Qəniyev) “I took the final imagegraph of love” Once, I modified into taking walks spherical the “28 May” metro station on a moist day. I placed a woman and a boy crossing the crosswalk. The floor modified into so wet that the boy took the woman in his palms and tried to byskip the street. I recorded the ones moments. The picturegraph modified into shared with the useful useful useful beneficial useful resource of using all the media. After a while that woman wrote to me that the boy had out of vicinity a existence in some unspecified time withinside the future of the conflict. And the frame desired that picturegraph, she. That picturegraph have become a date a incredible manner to in no manner be erased from my memory for the rest of my existence. Every time I in truth have a have a take a have a have a take a test the picturegraph, I assume that in all hazard I took the final picturegraph of that love.

This photograph, excited through the useful useful useful beneficial useful resource of using the famous photographer Elkhan Ganiyev (Elxan Qəniyev), modified into determined on some of the 5466 snap shots supplied withinside the global “Azerbaijan Photo Salon 2022” snap shots competition and modified into supplied with the gold medal. Photography contest International Photographic Art Federation, International Art Photography Association America Photographs Society, Global Photographs Association and Turkey’s Silla Art Palace snap shots enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise enterprise 5,446 snap shots from 382 photographers from sixty 4 global locations finished to the contest. Photographs sent on loose color, loose-white-black, human beings and excursion subjects are a hard and speedy of 3 human beings from Turkey, Cyprus and Bangladesh. The evaluation modified into made across the world withinside the framework of the conditions of the photographic organizations. In total, 245 awards had been given to 166 photographers from 40 3 global locations, with four nominations. Gold, silver and bronze medals, precise ribbons and diplomas may be supplied to the high-extraordinary of the competition and an virtual catalog with the snap shots of the winners may be prepared. Elkhan Ganiyev modified into supplied a gold medal withinside the competition.

5 Tips For Selecting the Right Commercial Property Agents

1. Look for Realestate Professionals That Invest in Commercial Property Themselves

In the UK as anywhere else in the world, many people are better at giving advice than taking their own, commercial property agents will be no different. So it is important for you to find a letting agent who invests or has invested in commercial property. They will be a fountain of knowledge that will become an invaluable resource in the stickier stages of the process.

2. The Cheapest Realtors Agencies are Not Always the Best Choice

No one likes to pay more than they need to, but sometimes property consultants are very cheap for a reason. You must understand that when it comes to services, like most other things in life, you pay for quality. So when seeking out a commercial estate agency, do not choose the cheapest, choose the real estate consultant that has the lowest price compared to the value that they could offer you as a customer.

3. Always Be Prepared to Pay More for an Experienced Realtor Expert

In the UK, not many people are as familiar with commercial property sales as they are with residential deals. Of course, this stands to reason as many adults have been involved in a residential deal or two by the time they are middle aged simply by virtue of buying their family home,Where to Live in London? therefore they will know the processes and procedures that go along with this. Less people, however, have been involved in placing a commercial property for sale, so choose a commercial property agency that has vast experience in this field. And by a vast experience, we do not mean vast experience in property in general but commercial property listings in particular.

4. Find Letting Agents That Will Manage the Letting of Your Property as Well as the Acquisition

When you offering commercial property for lease, it pays to have as few headaches as possible, a smart decision would be to select a London commercial estate agent who will manage as well as facilitate the acquisition of the commercial property. Having realestate companies take care of all these things for you, especially in London, is well worth the money, and this frees you up to concentrate on your other business ventures.

5. Ask Perspective Commercial Property Estate Agents for References

If you are having trouble picking between two or three different commercial property agents in the UK, ask each of them for references. This is an acid test; if they are reluctant to give you any references from happy customers then you should be wary of doing business with this commercial estate agent. There is no reason for them not to let you speak to one of their previous customers if they were truly having a great working relationship with them.

Ian Clark is a real estate consultant and advisor in UK. He has extensive experience in all aspects of Real Estate Investment built over 20 years . He is also the Director of Midas Estates, an online real estate website offering property investment opportunities in UK and overseas. Midas Estates is a property investment company who has a team of professional Commercial Property Agents with an aim to provide maximum capital growth for the clients as the majority of the clients are looking to secure financial security in the shortest time possible. Ian’s honest presentation of the real estate investing business, including both profit and risks is respected for his sincere, candid approach. He is highly regarded as one of the most sound, dependable source for the specifics behind the sometimes tricky and exigent facets of real estate investing