Skill Building and Becoming More Independent

Life can be very difficult especially as a teenager or young person, which is a transitional phase in many people’s lives from becoming a child to becoming an adult. But it is the decisions an individual make as a young person or teenager and the use an individual makes of their time they have as a teenager that ultimately affect the degree of success they will have in the future. Skills are ultimately like armour or weapons the more of them a person has the better equipped they are to deal with life and extracting the full potential from life itself. Skill building is one of the most important and effective things a young person or teenager could devote their time towards. The Skills that an individual develops as a teenager like habits stick with them for life. Also as a teenager or young person at this stage of an individual’s lives they often have more time available to devote towards essential skill building and in turn towards becoming a more independent, and competitive individual. But what are these skills and how can we develop them? There are 3 categories of skills you should be aware of, namely Primary, secondary and transferable skills.

Primary skills are often referred to as life skills, as more often than not individuals find it hard to get by on a day to day basis without these skills. An example of a life or primary skill would be the the ability to swim, communication, organisation and other skills that everybody needs to function effectively on a day-to-day basis. Most of these skills are fairly easy to learn and with a little self-discipline and a routine everybody can acquire them, however others can also be learnt by undertaking courses such as for Swimming there are a range of courses available at bargain prices.

Secondary skills are those which whilst individuals can function without them having them in addition to a person’s primary skills will give that person a substantial advantage not only in relation to employment, but in a whole range of different areas in life, for example a person can get by without learning any languages in addition to English, but learning an additional language will not only stand out on a CV when employers are deciding on who to choose for a certain job role but will also allow the individual an opportunity to live in the country within which that language is spoke, in short secondary skills equals more opportunities. The higher chinese tuition for primary More skills we have the more potential we can gain from life itself, as money alone does not work wonders.

Transferable skills which are very similar to secondary skills are skills which an individual can transfer from one area of life to another, and again come in handy in a variety of different situations and give advantages which other people will not have. A transferable skill can also be secondary or primary in nature. An example of a transferable skill which is primary in nature is driving. Many employers wish potential candidates to be able to drive a vehicle for their purposes of work and thus the individual cannot perform their job without the skill to drive. But the skill of Driving is also transferable as an individual can use it for social purposes as well as looking after their family and day-to-day needs. Again the skill of driving can be seen as primary in nature in this context of life as well as it is very difficult to look after one’s own family and household without being able to drive.

So what is the main point I am emphasising in this article? The main point being emphasised here is that all skills including secondary, primary and transferable are all very important and no disregard should be given to any of them. Thus although it is obviously impossible to learn every single skill there is out there, if a person can utilise their time learning as many skills as they possibly can, this will bring to them success throughout all areas of their life including at work, as many people unfortunately fail to see any form of success beyond that of financial and employment success. I have aimed to articulate and highlight in this article that success can be achieved throughout all aspects of life, and this can very easily be done by adopting a wide variety of skills outside of the work-place. How do you learn these skills then? Well that is the interesting part. The answer depends upon the nature of the skill which a person wishes to learn. Some of the more obvious examples such as learning a language or driving can be done by talking to local driving Schools in your area or looking around at local tuition centres that offer language courses such as higher education colleges, Universities and even Trust schemes. Alternatively a person can have 1-to-1 at home language tuition which is the most expensive option but ensures the highest quality of teaching, or a person can even learn a language over the internet as technology has now evolved. So in order to become successful is it not worth investing the time and money you have into the greatest asset of all time? Yourself, for surely investing money in making yourself a better person is money well spent, Rather than investing in the latest technology which in short time becomes obsolete; consider spending that money in gaining and developing skills which confer benefits for a life-time.