5 Reasons Why You Should Take Violin Lessons

To some, the violin is considered one of the most beautiful musical instruments that exist. The violin is both beautiful in appearance as well as how it sounds. The violin can remind you of love, happiness, and even sadness. The violin can truly bring out emotions inside of you that you didn’t feel exist.

So, instead of having to rely on listening to others play the violin, why not learn how to play the violin yourself? Here is a list of 5 reasons why you should learn how to play the Antique violin.

First off, buying a violin is not expensive as you might think! Some people assume that you have to spend hundreds of dollars to get a violin. That’s not true. There are good violins that you can buy for under $100. The Cecilio CVN-200 violin which I recommend goes for $100. So you don’t have to have a lot of money to buy a violin.

Second, it’s not as difficult as you might think to learn how to play a violin! You don’t even need to take any classes. There are some great programs online that you can buy and learn how to play the violin right from your own computer. Hopefully you don’t live in an apartment though. ๐Ÿ™‚

Third, learning how to play the violin (or any musical instrument) is a great hobby. You’re using your mind, you’re listening to music, you’re learning a new skill, all at the same time. In addition, if you are going through a difficult time in life, the violin is a great way to take your mind off things.

Fourth, by learning how to play the violin, you could make a lot of people happy. If you knew how to play the violin, you could play it for a spouse or partner. Now wouldn’t that be a great valentines day present if you wrote a song for them? What about if you went on the street and played the violin to make a little extra money? There are a lot of ways that playing the violin could come in handy.

Finally, when you think about it, the violin is considered to be quite a historical musical instrument. People have been playing the violin since the 16th century. The violin is also the instrument that represents the ideal typical small town community from centuries ago. You could argue that owning a violin is kind of like owning a piece of history.

Well, hopefully these reasons have convinced you to consider buying and learning how to play the violin. No one can argue with the fact that it’s a beautiful instrument, and at $100 or less for a violin, it’s fairly inexpensive.

Good luck!