Archives February 2023

Save Money and Energy – Adjust Your Thermostat

Maintaining a comfortable temperature level in your home is the biggest hitter on your energy bills. Did you know that your heating and cooling accounts for around 45% of your total utility cost? The easiest and most cost effective advice I can give you is simply adjusting your thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter.

This suggestion probably sounds obvious to most but many are unwilling to even consider making a small adjustment. I’m not expecting anyone to be uncomfortable in their own home, but you can save 3% per degree in the winter and 3-4% per degree in the summer. Now 2 or 3 degrees is hard to physically notice but can reduce your energy consumption throughout the year considerably. How about a 6-10% yearly savings, are you willing to consider a small bump now?

Another thing to consider is installing a programmable smart thermostats installation. You can program these thermostats to automatically change the desired temperature of your home while you are away at work or on vacation effectively saving you money. Of course you could do this yourself before leaving but the possibility of forgetting is always there.

A programmable thermostat is a great cost effective solution and will easily pay for itself in less than a year. You won’t have to be uncomfortable when you get home because your smart new thermostat will have made an automatic adjustment and started working towards your desired temperature before you get home.

There are of course a wide variety of programmable thermostats ranging from inexpensive to highly advanced and very costly. You can get the job done with a very basic version found at any home improvement store. Anyone can switch out a thermostat even if you aren’t the advanced DIY type. Thermostats run off of low voltage so there’s no need to worry about electric shock, just follow the provided instructions and your upgrade will be done in less than 10 minutes.

Very important notice of extreme money and energy waste

Keep in mind that cranking your thermostat way up or down doesn’t actually make your system heat or cool any faster, so adjust your thermostat in small increments. In fact, if you have a heat pump installed and you crank the heat way up, it may actually turn on the backup or emergency heat which can turn on heat strips and unnecessarily jack your electric bill up costing you money and wasting energy.


Rolle von Social Media Marketing in Unternehmen


Soziale Medien sind heutzutage allgegenwärtig, es ist unmöglich, ein Unternehmen ohne irgendeine Art von Social-Media-Präsenz zu führen. Es gibt eine so große Vielfalt an verfügbaren sozialen Medien, dass es sehr zeitaufwändig sein kann, eine solide Marketingstrategie zu finden. Ich habe in diesem kurzen Bericht viele Informationen zusammengestellt, die Ihnen den Einstieg erleichtern und Ihr Unternehmen auf den Weg bringen sollen. Wenn Sie dies gelesen haben, haben Sie hoffentlich eine bessere Vorstellung davon, was eine gute Social-Media-Marketingstrategie ist und wie Sie eine für Ihr Unternehmen aufbauen können.

Das erste, was eine Social-Media-Marketingstrategie tun sollte, ist, Ihrem Publikum mitzuteilen, was Ihr Zweck ist. Du musst in der Lage sein, deine Zielgruppe zu identifizieren, du willst ihr auch sagen, warum du tik tok aufrufe ihre Aufmerksamkeit willst. Dies kann über Ihre Website oder durch Blogs und Artikel erfolgen, die Sie regelmäßig schreiben. Es kann auch durch die Aufnahme von Links in Ihre sozialen Plattformen erreicht werden, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, auf einer persönlicheren Ebene mit Ihrem Publikum in Kontakt zu treten. Auf den meisten dieser Plattformen können Sie eine Profilseite erstellen, die Links enthält, die auf Ihre anderen Seiten und Posts verweisen. Sie können diese verwenden, um Ihren aktuellen Blog-Post zu bewerben oder einfach eine kurze Nachricht zu senden, um Ihr Publikum wissen zu lassen, was Sie vorhaben .

Als nächstes sollte Ihre Strategie mehrere verschiedene Optionen beinhalten, um Ihr Publikum zu erreichen. Diese Websites werden zu einer beliebten Methode, um potenzielle Kunden zu erreichen, daher sollten Sie erwägen, Ihrer Website oder Ihrem Blog einen RSS-Feed hinzuzufügen, um Ihr Publikum zu vergrößern. Social Analytics hilft Ihnen herauszufinden, welche Websites die meisten Aufrufe erhalten und welche Sie möglicherweise zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen können. Es gibt eine ganze Reihe von Anwendungen, mit denen Sie herausfinden können, welche Social-Media-Plattformen in Ihrer speziellen Nische am effektivsten sind. Einige dieser Anwendungen umfassen Google Analytics und Mixpanel.

Eine weitere wichtige Sache, die Sie beachten sollten, ist, dass Sie nur Links in sozialen Netzwerken posten sollten, die eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit haben, dass sie angeklickt werden. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob Ihr Link effektiv ist oder nicht, können Sie sich jederzeit die Alexa-Rankings für jede der von Ihnen in Betracht gezogenen Plattformen ansehen. Dadurch erhalten Sie eine Vorstellung davon, welche Plattform bei Ihrer Zielgruppe am beliebtesten ist. Dies ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um herauszufinden, ob die von Ihnen gewählte Plattform Ihre Zielgruppe wirklich anspricht.

Eine weitere Strategie, die Sie in Betracht ziehen sollten, wenn es darum geht, Social-Media-Marketing zur Vermarktung Ihres Unternehmens zu nutzen, ist die Verbindung mit Influencern. Influencer sind professionelle Personen, die in ihrer spezifischen Nische eine große Fangemeinde aufgebaut haben und für ihre Expertise in einem bestimmten Thema bekannt sind. In der Lage zu sein, sich mit Influencern zu verbinden, ist ein effektiver Weg, um die Aufmerksamkeit Ihrer Zielgruppe zu gewinnen, da sie sich bereits für das Thema interessieren, das Sie behandeln. Vielleicht möchten Sie nach Influencern in Ihrer spezifischen Branche suchen, die nicht nur in ihrer Branche einflussreich, sondern auch zugänglich sind.

Die Verwendung von Social Media Marketing als Marketinginstrument ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, den Verkehr auf Ihre Website zu lenken. Sie sollten es jedoch auch als Mittel zum Aufbau von Beziehungen nutzen, damit Sie Vertrauen zu Ihrem Publikum aufbauen können. Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass Kunden gerne hilfreiche Tipps von jemandem erhalten, mit dem sie sprechen können, insbesondere wenn es sich um jemanden handelt, der als Experte in ihrer Branche wahrgenommen wird.

Schließlich werden die sozialen Medien auch zum Anwalt der Arbeitnehmer. Das liegt daran, dass viele Arbeitnehmer das Gefühl haben, von ihrem Arbeitgeber nicht die Unterstützung zu erhalten, die sie benötigen. Darüber hinaus sind Mitarbeiter, die sich von ihrem Arbeitgeber gestärkt fühlen, insgesamt zufriedener. Es ist wichtig sicherzustellen, dass Sie soziale Medien nicht als Rekrutierungsinstrument verwenden, bis Sie eine Mitarbeitervertretungsgruppe haben. Die Nutzung von Social Media als Recruiting-Instrument sollte vorbehalten bleiben, bis sich ein starker Fürsprecher für Ihre Branche gebildet hat. So stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nicht nur die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Mitarbeiter, sondern auch Ihre eigenen erfüllen.

Soziale Medien entwickeln sich schnell zu einem der effektivsten Tools für das Internetmarketing. Wenn Sie ein Geschäftsinhaber oder ein Internet-Vermarkter sind, ist es wichtig zu lernen, wie Sie diese Ressourcen effektiv nutzen können. Soziale Medien ermöglichen es Ihnen, mit Ihrem Publikum auf persönlicher Ebene in Kontakt zu treten. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, auf einer menschlicheren Ebene mit Kunden zu interagieren und eine Bindung aufzubauen, die nicht durch E-Mail, Telefonanrufe oder persönliche Interaktionen erreicht werden kann. Aus diesem Grund können soziale Medien mehr als nur eine Marketingstrategie sein, es kann eine Strategie sein, die die Art und Weise, wie Ihr Unternehmen arbeitet, insgesamt verändern kann.

Het juiste SUP-bord kiezen: een beginnershandleiding


Stand-up paddleboards (SUP’s) zijn de laatste jaren populair geworden vanwege hun veelzijdigheid en toegankelijkheid. Het is een geweldige manier om het water te verkennen terwijl je je hele lichaam traint. Het kiezen van het juiste SUP board kan echter lastig zijn voor beginners. Met zoveel beschikbare opties en functies kan het moeilijk zijn om te weten waar te beginnen. Deze gids analyseert de belangrijkste factoren waarmee beginners rekening moeten houden bij het kiezen van een SUP-board.


Het eerste dat u moet overwegen, is het type bord dat u wilt. Er zijn twee hoofdtypen SUP-boards: opblaasbaar en hard. Opblaasbare boards zijn over het algemeen goedkoper, gemakkelijker te vervoeren en duurzamer. Het is een geweldige optie voor beginners, omdat het minder snel beschadigd raakt tijdens het leren. Hardboard daarentegen is traditioneler en voelt authentieker aan. Ze zijn ook sneller en efficiënter in het water. Ze kunnen echter duurder en moeilijker te vervoeren zijn.

Bord maat:

De grootte van het bord is ook een belangrijke factor om te overwegen. Een algemene vuistregel is dat voor beginners het bord minstens 10 voet lang en 30 inch breed moet zijn. Hoe groter het bord, hoe stabieler het is en hoe gemakkelijker het is om te balanceren. Grotere boards kunnen echter moeilijker te manoeuvreren zijn en door het water peddelen. Als je van plan bent je jobe SUP-board te gebruiken voor activiteiten zoals yoga of vissen, wil je misschien een breder board kiezen voor stabiliteit.

bord vorm:

De vorm van het bord kan ook van invloed zijn op de algehele ervaring. De meest voorkomende vorm voor SUP-boards voor beginners is de allround vorm. Deze boards zijn over het algemeen breder en stabieler, waardoor ze makkelijker te balanceren zijn. Het is ook veelzijdig genoeg om te worden gebruikt in omstandigheden variërend van kalme meren tot kalme golven. Als je van plan bent om meer specifieke activiteiten te doen, zoals racen of surfen, wil je misschien kijken naar meer gespecialiseerde vormen zoals toeren of surfen op SUP-boards.

Capaciteit bord:

Een andere belangrijke factor om te overwegen is de draagkracht van het board. U wilt er zeker van zijn dat het board uw lichaamsgewicht en alle apparatuur die u meeneemt, kan dragen. De meeste SUP-boards voor beginners wegen ongeveer 250-300 pond. Het is echter altijd een goed idee om de specificaties van de fabrikant te controleren voordat u tot aankoop overgaat.


Het materiaal van het bord kan ook van invloed zijn op de duurzaamheid en prestaties. Opblaasbare boards zijn meestal gemaakt van PVC, een duurzaam en lichtgewicht materiaal. Hardboards zijn gemaakt van verschillende materialen, waaronder glasvezel, epoxy en koolstofvezel. Koolstofvezelplaat is de duurste, maar de lichtste en hoogste prestatie.

Pin-instellingen bord:

De pin-instellingen van het bord kunnen ook de stabiliteit en wendbaarheid beïnvloeden. De meeste SUP-boards voor beginners hebben een opstelling met één pin, wat meer stabiliteit biedt en het volgen in een rechte lijn gemakkelijker maakt. Sommige boards hebben echter meerdere vinnen of verwijderbare vinnen die voor meer manoeuvreerbaarheid in het water kunnen zorgen.

Prijs bord:

Ten slotte is de prijs altijd een belangrijke factor om rekening mee te houden. Opblaasbare SUP-boards zijn goedkoper, meestal geprijsd tussen 300 en 1000. Harde boards zijn duurder, meestal geprijsd tussen 500 en 3000. Het is belangrijk om binnen je budget te blijven, maar het is ook belangrijk om rekening te houden met de waarde op lange termijn. van het bord. Borden van hoge kwaliteit hebben mogelijk hogere initiële kosten, maar kunnen u op de lange termijn geld besparen vanwege hun duurzaamheid en lange levensduur.

5 Reasons Why You Should Take Violin Lessons

To some, the violin is considered one of the most beautiful musical instruments that exist. The violin is both beautiful in appearance as well as how it sounds. The violin can remind you of love, happiness, and even sadness. The violin can truly bring out emotions inside of you that you didn’t feel exist.

So, instead of having to rely on listening to others play the violin, why not learn how to play the violin yourself? Here is a list of 5 reasons why you should learn how to play the Antique violin.

First off, buying a violin is not expensive as you might think! Some people assume that you have to spend hundreds of dollars to get a violin. That’s not true. There are good violins that you can buy for under $100. The Cecilio CVN-200 violin which I recommend goes for $100. So you don’t have to have a lot of money to buy a violin.

Second, it’s not as difficult as you might think to learn how to play a violin! You don’t even need to take any classes. There are some great programs online that you can buy and learn how to play the violin right from your own computer. Hopefully you don’t live in an apartment though. 🙂

Third, learning how to play the violin (or any musical instrument) is a great hobby. You’re using your mind, you’re listening to music, you’re learning a new skill, all at the same time. In addition, if you are going through a difficult time in life, the violin is a great way to take your mind off things.

Fourth, by learning how to play the violin, you could make a lot of people happy. If you knew how to play the violin, you could play it for a spouse or partner. Now wouldn’t that be a great valentines day present if you wrote a song for them? What about if you went on the street and played the violin to make a little extra money? There are a lot of ways that playing the violin could come in handy.

Finally, when you think about it, the violin is considered to be quite a historical musical instrument. People have been playing the violin since the 16th century. The violin is also the instrument that represents the ideal typical small town community from centuries ago. You could argue that owning a violin is kind of like owning a piece of history.

Well, hopefully these reasons have convinced you to consider buying and learning how to play the violin. No one can argue with the fact that it’s a beautiful instrument, and at $100 or less for a violin, it’s fairly inexpensive.

Good luck!


Organic Online Marketing: How to Properly Implement All Aspects, Not Just SEO

Organic marketing is the most cost effective form of advertising online by Abdallah Salloum and is growing at an exponential rate. An online marketer can properly utilize the organic marketing approach and drive necessary traffic to rank their sites on the top search engines and ranking sites.

I am not saying that SEO is not critical, I am just saying it is not the only thing. As an online marketer, having a site that is properly constructed, organized, tagged with proper keywords and provide valuable, relevant content. There are many other factors involved, but that is not the focus of this article. SEO is only one step in a much larger process I call organic online marketing.

Traffic is the key to any online marketing strategy and organic marketing is what drives traffic today. As social media grows, it continues to influence how and where marketing budgets are being distributed. Approximately only 10% of Google search results that are clicked on are the paid advertisements.

Also, consumer reviews are over 11 times more effective because they are more trusted. Consumers are more likely to believe a third party than manufacturers’ claims. Think from your perspective. If you hear a company saying you will make $1000 per month, do you believe them or, do you believe the person using the product that shows you proof of their income?

Of the 90% that click on the organic results, 46% will click on the first organic result listed. As an online marketing professional, we see that where we rank and how high we rank drives our sales. So what drives our rank and rating? Traffic! So what drives traffic if paid advertising is only 10% effective on the web? Social media.

Utilizing social media will bring the traffic and offering value rich content will keep it there. Organic online marketing is more than just search engine optimization. It is solving your prospect’s problem in a way that is non-invasive, allowing your prospect to “shop” in a safe, nearly anonymous environment. Once they perceive value, they will inquire more about your product or even subscribe to your RSS (really simple syndication) feeds.

So, yes having a fully optimized site is important, but it is not the whole strategy. For example, I am building my online organic marketing strategy and it includes a blog that I write articles for and I am tweaking for proper SEO (which is a bloody science!). But, I also post my articles to a variety of sites and blogs with backlinks to promote the article and ultimately my site. I also work within forums, free classified sites and social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+ (which is still in Beta at the time I am writing this article).

True organic marketing does not stop at SEO, it incorporates all forms of online media because bridging from your lovely optimized site is the only thing that will bring the traffic that is required to improve your page rank. Without traffic, all the SEO in the world will not help you. So as you build the bridges and raise awareness of the solution you provide to give people the reward they are looking for, the traffic will come and your laser-focused content will do the selling for you.

The Benefits of Contact Management Software for Sales Professionals

If you are one of the many people who have chosen sales as your career, you’re in luck! That’s because there are many new advances that make selling easier, such as contact management software. Below, we’ll look at some of the benefits of implementing contact management software into your everyday selling techniques.

Benefit #1: Contact Management Software is Easy to Use!

Many sales men and women have a concern that contact Subscription management software will be complicated; thus, they never consider implementing a contact management software program. What a mistake! Because of newer innovations and technologies, contact management software has become easier than ever to use. Such is definitely the case with Prophet, one of the leading contact management software programs. In fact, Prophet works with your existing MS Outlook software, which makes it even more user-friendly than other contact management software on the market.

Benefit #2: Provides Selling Consistency!

One of the toughest parts of selling is making sure that everyone on your sales team operates in a consistent manner. A contact management software program will assist you in ensuring that you and your colleagues are all on the same page when it comes to selling techniques. That way, clients will know that whenever they work with your firm, they will get an exceptional experience (thanks to the contact management software and your expertise and drive!)

Benefit #3: Helps Keep Staff on Track

Sometimes, even the best employee is tempted to waste time during the day. However, with a contact management software program in place, he or she will have less opportunity to fritter away the hours. That’s because contact management software reminds sales staff of their duties and responsibilities. Thus, if they forget (or neglect) to complete any assignments, the contact management software will remind them that projects or follow-through items are due (or even overdue.) Additionally, sales managers can program the contact management software to alert them when a sales worker gets behind in his or her responsibilities; as a result, fewer balls will be dropped.

Benefit #4: Means Quick, Current Reports.

Does it seem like every time you’re asked to put together a sales tracking report, it’s a huge effort to gather all the data and put it into a useable format? By using a contact management software program, all those worries will end. That’s because all your data will be located in the contact management software; hence, with a few clicks of your mouse, you can use your contact management software to print out professional reports, graphs, and charts. Imagine the amazement of your supervisors when you hand them an up-to-date trend analysis the same day they asked you for it! Again, this is just one of the many benefits that contact management software provides.

Benefit #5: Equates to Standardize Selling.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, although salespeople keep doing so. Why waste time, though? Instead, invest in a contact management software program and you’ll have an instant system for contacting prospects, setting up meetings, and following-through on assignments and promises. A contact management software program can help standardize every aspect of your selling, from implementation to execution. Thus, no sales person will ever be wondering what to do next; the contact management software will prompt him or her.

Benefit #6: Is Good for Recruiting and Retention

If you plan on hiring new people any time soon, make sure to let all your interviewees know about your contact management software system. That way, they’ll realize that your organization values success. Additionally, you’ll be letting them know that you want them to be able to get up and running as soon as possible by offering them a contact management software system. If they are commission-based, a contact management software program could ensure that they start earning extra income practically from day one! (And for your current employees, a contact management software program will work just as well!)

Benefit #7: Is a Fast Way to Highlight Your Best Salespeople.

Sure, you want to honor your top salespeople, but how easy is it to find the data? Sometimes, it’s almost too tough to figure out which of your staff sold the most during the week due to reports that aren’t quite up-to-date. By utilizing your contact management software program, you can quickly figure out which salesperson is performing above the rest; consequently, you can award him or her. This boosts employee morale and promotes a healthy degree of competition among sales staff. In fact, with the help of your contact management software, you can even figure out which salesperson contacted the most prospects during the week, turned the most prospective customers into buyers, or “upsold” the most services or products.

Benefit #8: Is an Excellent Way to Boost Profits

Last but certainly not least in our series of contact management software benefits is the fact that a good contact management software program (such as Prophet) will end up boosting your profits. How? First, your contact management software program will reduce the time that was previously spent in inefficient ways. Secondly, your contact management software program will encourage sales staff to follow through on any promises they make; the contact management software program will also make them accountable for keeping up with their sales quotas and assignments. And finally, your contact management software will enable you to operate at a more professional level, giving everyone on your team a sense of pride in being part of a 21st century organization.


Clothing the Plus Sized Woman – Dress Your Best Whatever Your Shape Is

Clothing the plus-size woman is one of the challenges that the fashion industry that needs to take on. While haute couture designers like Ralph Lauren, Dolce and Gabbana, Max Mara and Gucci are slowly responding to the demand for clothing for the plus-size woman, the fact is that this recognition is not going as fast as it should. It even teeters for some companies, what with Ellen Tracy closing down its plus-size boho womens tops due to recession and the UK department store Selfridges ceasing to devote part of its floor space to plus-size clothing.

If you are a plus-size woman, this should not be a dampener for you. Your money is your voice in the fashion industry, and while the options for you are admittedly not as wide as it would have been if you were a size zero, you can still find something that fits and would flatter your curvy body. The important thing here is that you should dress your best no matter what shape you have.

Dressing Your Best Is Taking Care of Yourself

“Feel good, look good” is an old adage that we commonly hear. It is true, though. If we want to feel good about ourselves, we should strive to look good. This is not about exercising and losing weight – although doing these things is not so bad if you have health issues. It is more about making the effort to dress well in a way that fits your body type.

It does not matter if you are slender or voluptuous. If you dress sloppily, without a care whether or not your clothes attract attention to body flaws you should hide, you will draw condescending stares and negative comments. These would naturally make you feel bad about yourself. But if you dress your best in a way that highlights your assets and hides your flaws, you will look beautiful and sexy no matter what body shape you have. This is just a way of taking care of yourself, and when you take care of yourself, you would naturally feel good about it.

Fit Is Everything in Clothing the Plus-Size Woman

How should you dress your best? That is probably the question that you have in mind right now. The answer here is simple: You should always dress in clothes that fit you. You should always remember that fit is everything in clothing the plus-size woman.

When a garment fits your body, it means that the garment moves with you, does not feel constricting and feels absolutely comfortable. It should not be too loose, however, because believe it or not, wearing clothing that is too loose or too big around you will only make you look bigger.

When you shop for clothes, you should try it on. Sit down and walk around while wearing the garment so you can test its performance. If the garment has buttons, you should be able to button them up without any gaping holes at the front. It should not feel too tight around the arms or shoulders. It should not show any bulges where the bulges should be hidden. Lastly, it should not feel like it is going to pop at the seams.

Finding Clothes that Fit

It is understandable that finding clothing for the plus-size woman that fits may not be easily done at a department store. But it should not worry you because you have options. You can always browse the Internet for online boutiques catering to plus-size women. Just make sure that you can safely return your purchases from these online stores if it turns out that the clothes are not what you expected.

Clothing the plus-size woman may be a challenge, but it is not an impossible challenge. You should not despair if you cannot find clothes that fit you in a department store. You always have options, and as long as you have these options, there is no reason why you cannot dress your best no matter what body shape or size you have.

What is That Cylindrical Bulbous Netted Cactus – Boy is it Cool!

If you have ever done much walking in the desert then no doubt you have come across one of the coolest looking cacti in the entire cactus family. Some Home cucumber net stores sell them also and folks love these engineering natural wonders, they look like a bulb and have stringers around them criss-crossing like a perfectly mathematically designed net, they are truly amazing and they definitely turn heads.

In fact, if you find one and plant it in your yard everyone at the BBQ party will ask you about it, especially a full-grown adult plant like this. But be careful because in many states it is illegal to grab one and re-plant it and growers must get special permission and permits to even sell them. They are a protected species in several Western States.

The official scientific name of this perfectly evolved cactus is the FERROCACTUS and it is a member of the cactaceae family. You will find them growing in elevations under 5,000 feet and in sandy or gravel like soil, soil that is aerated with good drainage. It is obvious that this is one plant that can protect itself and it does not need any help from rules and regulations from mankind.

Amazingly enough, this plant can grow in climates of little rainfall to absolutely none at all, it’s the perfect desert plant and large predators will not bother to come near it due to its natural barbs. There are about 28 species of this plant and some grow huge, the largest I ever saw was easily 10-foot tall, but mostly you will see them as about 1 foot to 18-inches in diameter and 1-3 foot high.

When you see one you will be amazed. It is probably the coolest plant in the entire South Western Deserts. If you go looking for one, take a camera, not a shovel, as it is a protected plant species.

Cheap Student Insurance Secrets For Auto Insurance

Use Your Parents Insurance
First of all, get on your parent’s insurance if you can. This will greatly reduce the amount you have to pay since your parents probably have an established auto policy several years old. That means the insurance company views them as less of a risk, and so they’ll get lower rates. You can reimburse them, and some companies may even let you pay separately. The downside to this plan is that your car will probably have to be held in your parents name. On the other hand, this is a great way to save lots of money on car insurance. Later, after you’ve been driving for a few years and have a degree, you can get cheaper rates on your own insurance.

Keep Up Your Grades
Second, many insurance companies offer incentives to students who maintain good grades and high academic standards. For example, several companies offer cheap student insurance to people who maintain a certain grade point average. The discounts can be significant, so be sure to inquire about this before you get your policy. Companies have different standards for getting this discount, so be sure you understand the rules. Once you’re in school, work hard to keep your grades up. There are many benefits to getting good grades, but paying less money for auto insurance is certainly a great goal to work towards!

Maintaining a good driving record and being a safe driver is one of the most important ways to show the insurance company that you deserve lower rates. Don’t get speeding tickets or other traffic fines. Whatever you do, never drive drunk because a DUI can make your insurance unaffordable. Finally, find several insurance quotes before you settle on an insurance provider. Rates between companies can differ greatly, so do your work before you buy a policy.

Not Quite Everest, But Good Enough

Climbing Everest up to its summit is an incredible undertaking. It requires lots of supplies, including tents, food, water and bottled oxygen (that all then get left on the mountain) to even begin preparing for. Training to make sure you’re ready for the high altitudes and the demands that will be placed on your fitness are also necessary, and the training is rigorous too.

It’s all necessary, of course, because people die attempting to climb Base Camp Everest Trekking every year. There are harrowing tales of people having to walk past people who have collapsed on the mountain side and are slowly dying, leaving them to their fate as attempting to rescue them would just result in the deaths of both of them.

Of course, getting to Everest base camp is a totally different story. This is a trip that you need to be fit for, but you won’t require anywhere near the amount of training or equipment that a trek to the summit demands. It’s a holiday that you can enjoy, whereas attempting to climb Everest itself is not a vacation, it’s a crazy mission that is genuinely dangerous.

On a trip to the base camp you’ll start out at a height where plants and trees are still abundant and will have to make your way on foot, following river banks through thick magnolia and rhododendron forests. Your accommodation will consist of lodge houses along the route where you’ll get to spend your evenings getting to know those who have taken up the trail with you. You can also expect the tour you’re on to give you a couple of rest days on the way towards base camp.

These are necessary because your body will need time to adjust to the altitude. You’re not going to need oxygen tanks every few minutes, but the air is still thinner than what your lungs will be used to. They’ll also give you a chance to explore some of the towns and villages that you’ll be passing through, which is another real treat of the trip.

All along the route are some incredible views, but these really come to a head when you reach base camp itself. There are frozen rivers and a landscape barren of everything but rocks, snow and ice. You’ll have reached the foot of the highest mountain in the world, temperatures and oxygen will have dropped massively since you set out and you’re surrounded by the most impressive mountain range in the world.